Multichannels management

Using Prestashop for a long time, Shopware 6 seems to be better fitted to my business. Nevertheless, after having passed a long long time testing this new platform, I have some lack to complete my migration. I hope I will find answers on this forum.

So, let’s start by explaining what is missing for me:

  • I have a huge catalog that I want to share between multiple storefront channels. Each channel is designated to one country and the same product has different sale prices depending on the channel. I tried the „Rules Builder“ functionality but it’s not what I need. I have a purchase price, a sale price on the product and a shipping cost for each country I deliver to (that has been done by using the custom fields). I need to determine the sale price for the channel with a formula like: sale price = purchase price * coefficient + shipping cost, without doing it by hand on each product as it has to be done when using „Rule Builder“.
  • On each feed, only one image (the main one) can be exported. How could I export all the url images in the feed?
  • Is it possible to export the whole catalog in one feed without choosing a storefront channel. I have different storefront channels with different selections of products and I want to create one „Product comparison“ channel where I would export all the products. Can I do this without creating a storefront channel for all products as a storefront channel is mandatory to have a comparison channel?

I hope that you can help me.
Thank you in advance,
Kind Regards.
