I have created a plugin. and i use Shopware()->Shop()->getCurrency()->getId() inside a function not in constructor i got the following error.
You have requested a non-existent service “shop”.
Is there any way to use this shop instance in my plugin? I am running the plugin via CLI
I am using shopware 5.5.6.
Well, when you are in CLI, the actual shop is not defined. If you want to refer to a particular one, you’d neet to create the shop context first. It is feasible but perhaps a bit tricky.
How we can create shop context for a particular shop?
it is already mentioned several times here in the forum, but in German, so maybe you couldn’t find it
$repository = Shopware()->Container()->get('models')->getRepository(Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::class);
$shopId = 1; // use your correct shop ID here
$shop = $repository->getActiveById($shopId);
$context = \Shopware\Components\Routing\Context::createFromShop(
Attention here: Since Shopware 5.6 the registerResources is deprecated. Use the shopware.components.shop_registration_service instead.
Best regards from Schöppingen
Michael Telgmann
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