How to show manufacturer / hersteller in the order confirmation email?


I used to have a workaround to show the manufacturer in the order confirmation email template by using this piece of code:

	{{ dbquery('name', 'product_manufacturer_translation', {'product_manufacturer_id =': dbquery('product_manufacturer_id', 'product', {'id =': dbquery('IF(parent_id IS NULL, id, parent_id)', 'product', {'id =': lineItem.identifier|uuid2bytes})})}, {('IF(language_id = "%s", 1, 0)'|format(languageid())): 'DESC'}) }}{% endif %}

However, since 6.3.3, this code is not working anymore. Who can help me find the right way to fetch and display the manufacturer (or hersteller) name for each line item? 

Thanks in advance!

Somehow, the code now works - I must have made a typo in the template somewhere. That is something that would be very welcome by the way; some way of error reporting on e-mailtemplates. 

Keep up the good work!

Hello. Could you please share your solution? I’m breaking my neck trying to show the manufacturer name for each line of the product confirmation email.

Here’s what I have done so far but it returns nothing, which means there is an error in my code.

                <div{% if nestingLevel > 0 %} style="padding-left: {{ (nestingLevel + 1) * 10 }}px"{% endif %}>
                    {{ nestedItem.label|u.wordwrap(80) }} <br>
                    <p>Manufactured by:         
                    {{ dbquery('name', 'product_manufacturer_translation', 'product_manufacturer_id =' | nestedItem.payload.manufacturerId) }}

Any help is of great value. Thanks

I will put the Manufacturer name within the product name. Not a very elegant solution but it’s a workaround.