Dynamic product group name error in 6.4

Hi There,

I try to create dynamic product groups in shopware 6.4 API
I need to create around 500 dynamic product groups, so adding them manual is not an option.

I grabbed the code from the swagger ui and modified it to the following code

	"data": {
    "name": "this is created in postman",
     "type": "product_stream",
    "filters": [
            "productStreamId": "c4abf1df47e1428185c52ba44136afe4",
            "type": "multi",
            "operator": "OR",
            "position": 0,
            "queries": [
                    "productStreamId": "c4abf1df47e1428185c52ba44136afe4",
                    "parentId": "7cd6064a3d364a6fa9cfb3918a2e7704",
                    "type": "multi",
                    "operator": "AND",
                    "position": 0,
                    "queries": [
                            "productStreamId": "c4abf1df47e1428185c52ba44136afe4",
                            "parentId": "5e95e2506b1a4883bfd0bc281421c339",
                            "type": "equals",
                            "field": "properties.name",
                            "value": "T-shirts",
                            "position": 0,
                            "id": "4d4114c994ce46c480f616aa57208c06"
                    "id": "5e95e2506b1a4883bfd0bc281421c339"
            "id": "7cd6064a3d364a6fa9cfb3918a2e7704"
    "id": "c4abf1df47e1428185c52ba44136afe4"

When i post this or the unmodified swagger example code i get the following message.

    "errors": [
            "code": "c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3",
            "status": "400",
            "detail": "Deze waarde mag niet leeg zijn.",
            "template": "This value should not be blank.",
            "meta": {
                "parameters": {
                    "{{ value }}": "null"
            "source": {
                "pointer": "/0/translations/2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b/name"

I did some research on the errorcode and pointer, But so far no solution.
But it should be something of a translations name.

I’ve installed the shopware language pack, and activated dutch. The main install Language is English.
How can i resolve this issue?


Hi Justin,

If you find bugs you should post them on https://issues.shopware.com/
On there they are quickly reviewed, that makes it easier to track.