Custom Captcha not selectable


I created a custom captcha class which has no real implementation yet:

class TestCaptcha extends AbstractCaptcha
    final public const CAPTCHA_NAME = 'testCaptcha';

    public function isValid(Request $request, array $captchaConfig): bool
        return true;

    public function getName(): string
        return self::CAPTCHA_NAME;

Before implementing the Captcha itself I want to be able to select it in the administration. It does show up in the select box, but I am unable to select it:

Clicking on „Test Captcha“ does not do anything. The other Captcha implementations can be selected however.

I read Add custom captcha | Shopware Documentation which did not help.

What do I have to do to make the Captcha selectable?

2 „Gefällt mir“

Did you try in the python way ?