I have a CSV file of some custom format that contain products. Each line is a product with all its information - from the name to its category and all the attributes.
After several attempts, I successfully imported basic product information. Then I created categories manually in the backend.
Now is the question - how do assign each product his category?
I have a category column in my CSV file, which contains category name in usual text form like for example „Kronleuchter“. There is a " categories" column in the „Default product“ import profile. If I put categories in text format under this " categories" column and import using „Default product“ import profile - it doesn’t work.
I assigned a category for a product manually, then exported, opened a CSV file, and in the „categories“ column I see this - c037b8abf0fa466b8aa34d96c7166299. So how do I support to connect categories with the products via import then?
Thank you!