Can't install test app on self hosted Shopware 6 shop

I’m trying to install my custom app on self-hosted shopware 6 shop. I’m using shopware version .
I’ve created app in custom/apps/MyExampleApp and placed there manifest.xml file. So my app consist of one manifest file: custom/apps/MyExampleApp/manifest.xml

<manifest xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
        <label>Test label to MyExampleApp</label>
        <label lang="de-DE">Test label DE to MyExampleApp</label>
        <description>Test description to MyExampleApp.</description>
        <description lang="de-DE">Test description DE to MyExampleApp.</description>
        <author>Test Developer</author>

Now I’m trying to install it with bin/console app:install --activate MyExampleApp and getting error
[INFO] Could not find any app with this name
I can’t understand why I can’t install test app? Look indo docs and it telling me, that app must be installed in such way…

Would be appriciated for any help.

Not sure if there is a app:refresh, at least for plugins it is necessary to let Symphony scan for new plugins.

Maybe still try plugin:refesh

Nope. Shopware just doesn’t see my plugin. And doesn’t shows it in the list. No any errors, just doesn’t see it.

Are new plugins working?

bin/console plugin:create MyTestPlugin
bin/console plugin:refresh

Yes. Plugin creation process works without any issues. Only my custom apps not working. Apps from shopware store works.