
I installed the Shopware production template I created a new plugin with a custom admin module and I try to follow the changes of it with bin/

If I make changes under vendor/shopware/administration/Resources/app/administration/src, then I see that the new files are being immediately compiled.

But If I make changes somewhere in custom/plugins/pluginName/src/Resources/app/administration/src, I see nothing happened in the terminal.

I tried to build the administration first with bin/ and this works well. I also generated the var/plugins.json with bin/console bundle:dump.

I checked the webpack configurations and the npm, node and webpack versions in vendor/shopware/administration/Resources/app/administration/ and this is the result I got:

  • node: 16.10.0
  • npm: 8.13.1
  • webpack: 4.46.0
  • webpack-cli: 4.10.0
  • webpack-dev-server: 3.11.3

Any ideas how I can fix that?

Because i faced the same problem multiple times: are you SURE that the plugin is installed and active?

Kind regards

Hi @EikeBrandtWarneke,

Yes it is! And I can see the pages of it on the dashboard.

Yes have the same problem.

with bin/ it works.

have to wait hours…

I have the same problem

/ works fine