Adding and updating bulk products with API

Hi there,

I have 3500+ articles which i need to add / update, preferably with the API.
I’m encountering issues when adding too many products and I’m wondering if I’m using the correct methods.

1. updating one product at a time
I fetch all products from the source. For each product i’m trying to fetch a product in shopware and use post / put for the single product.

$existingArticle = $shopware->get('articles/'.$article['id'].'?useNumberAsId=true');

// post if no article in dbase
if (!$existingArticle) {
    $newArticle = $shopware->post('articles', $article);
    $article_id = $newArticle['data']['id'];
// put if article in dbase
else {
    $article_id = $existingArticle['data']['id'];
    $shopware->put('articles/'.$article_id, $article);

Because I have the id’s of the existing or new products, I can also add the translation of the title, descriptionLong

$shopware->put('translations/'.$article_id, $data);

2. updating batch products
I put all products in a batch

$response= $shopware->put('articles', $aArticles);

Now i don’t receive any id’s back so there’s no way to update the translations right?

Beside the translation issue i encounter performance issues. I’m not even close near the 3500 articles but nothing gets updated (no timeout reached though).

Any help is much appreciated.