503 - service not available or Oops! An error has occurred!

Hi Guys,

Has anyone figured out best way to find out what’s wrong in your code when shopware throws:

Oops! An error has occurred!

We have been informed about the problem and try to solve it. Please try again within a short time.

I have tried all methods to find the reason for this error. All I see is above message even after checking in server, php, shopware logs. I even tried http://en.community.shopware.com/\_detail\_1912.html?\_ga=1.1980146.2114788148.1459335726

But to my surprise no error. With no options left I had to debug the code line by line with traditional var_dump() process and found that the folder/file is inaccessible and is missing permission. 3 hours of debugging gave me this solution. Is there a simpler way to find the errors instead of that Oops message?

  • Ahad -