Slim Application Error - installation of Shopware 6 on local computer

I installed the VM on another computer now leaving the VirtualBox network adapter to NAT. For some reasons, doesn’t work. So, I switched again to Bridge and it’s OK.

I tried “sw6” command manually in order to reinstall the shopware and it failed at the end with the same errors as I had yesterday, when I installed Shopware on Ubuntu. 

So, in order to create a virtual machine with any version or any project inside I supoise is necessary manually create the machine, install the OS + Lamp Stack, download and deploy the project and at the end to export it from VirtualBox File -> Export Appliance…? It seems too much to do for each project. Probably there are some faster solutions, like to shoose and import a machine image with LAMP stack inside and then to install the project…

How can I install shopware 5.6 in the same way as shopware 6 (with VM image)?