Many guides are gone?


I noticed the Shopware docs site changed a couple of weeks ago. With that there are some guides missing I think. For example there was a guide on how to program custom fieldsets and custom fields yourself, but it’s gone. Is there an explanation for that? And if this guide won’t come back can anybody explain to me how to do program custom fieldsets?

I hope somebody can help me

I will check this internally.

1 „Gefällt mir“

[@Moritz Naczenski]( Naczenski “Moritz Naczenski”)‍

Have you found anything?

Hi milanweiss,

do you mean this article?

Normally the new DAL section in the „References internals“ area was going to replace this but we seem to have missed this during the restructuring of the documentation.
You pointed out that even more guides are missing. Could you give us more examples so we can look into it?

In general the „old“ documentation is still there inside the repository:

All How To guides should still be available in the How To section.

We are sorry for the circumstances.

Best regards

Yes that’s the one I looked for, thanks!

I think every doc from the DAL section is gone, for example this one:

But I did found it in the „old“ documentation