Shopware 6 Theme Development Getting Started and Availability

Is there a documentation regarding the Shopware 6 Themes, like a Getting Started guide?
Looking for something similar to the Shopware 5 Themes docs: Shopware 5 Theme Startup Guide

Maybe I’m missing something, but the closest I could find is the Storefront component:
However the Theming bullet point is not yet linking to anything.

Is the Theming engine not yet finalized? Will it actually be available in mid-July when the Shopware 6.0 Early Access edition is released?

Hey @dev_ht‍,

the Theme system is not yet fully implemented and therefore there’s no guide available yet.
It is expected to be finished by the middle or end of july and a guide will follow up shortly then.

Kind regards,
Patrick Stahl  Shopware

1 „Gefällt mir“



is the Shopware 6 templating documentation out yet? I have also been looking for something similar to the templating documentation in Shopeware 5 but to no success. 

I will be very happy if anyone can point me to a link where I can access such information.



Take a look:


I have already checked that link but with that, one can only make Js, CSS and some other changes.

But I want to be able to extend and change the default Twig Shopware Storefront template in my theme as it was explained in the Shopware 5 Getting Started templating tutorial.


You can find some details on how to change/extend the templates in Shopware 6 over here:

@Patrick Stahl schrieb:

Hey @dev_ht‍,

the Theme system is not yet fully implemented and therefore there’s no guide available yet.
It is expected to be finished by the middle or end of july and a guide will follow up shortly then.

Kind regards,
Patrick Stahl  Shopware

When could we get a guid and a documentation for the Theme System? 

Hey @badiiboukalane‍,

what exactly are you missing?

I’ll just append some links to tutorials and guides about the Shopware 6 theme system:

If there’s still something missing, feel free to message me about it, so we can actually add everything that’s still missing.

Kind regards
Patrick  Shopware


it just took me 1 hour to find this out… consider adding this step to the docs:

After running 

bin/console theme:create

you have to run

bin/console plugin:refresh

Otherwise the plugin can’t be activated

1 „Gefällt mir“

Would it be possible to also add documentation on active front-end development on custom themes? I really need some direction in how to get watch/hot-reload to function.