ExtJs - trigger an event

Hey there, I’m new to Shopware, I have a custom plugins which maps the orderId and the documentId in the backend. I was able to download the document based upon the documentId, I had changed the document column in ExtJs as an anchor tag. I want to open the order details based upon the orderId as well. I have looked around and figured that the details module of order can be called upon from the ExtJs part. This is where I need help. I’m trying to make a click/onclick event which will call a function which should trigger an event. Whenever I add a function to the onclick it gives me error that function is not found. I have tried using “handler” but it didn’t work as well. Is there a way where I can click on a cell to open the order details based upon the orderId. The attached image is the code where I’m tring to create the column.

Thank you for your help