CRUD - Default Wert mitgeben?

Kann ich bei CRUD einem Attribut einen Standardwert mitgeben?


        $service = $this->get('shopware_attribute.crud_service');
        $service->update('s_articles_attributes', 'max_time',
         'combobox', [
            'label' => 'Laufzeit',
            'supportText' => 'Value under the field',
            'helpText' => 'Value which is displayed inside a help icon tooltip',

            //user has the opportunity to translate the attribute field for each shop
            'translatable' => true,

            //attribute will be displayed in the backend module
            'displayInBackend' => true,

            //in case of multi_selection or single_selection type, article entities can be selected,
            //'entity' => 'Shopware\Models\Article\Article',

            //numeric position for the backend view, sorted ascending
            'position' => 100,

            //user can modify the attribute in the free text field module
            'custom' => true,

            //in case of combo box type, defines the selectable values
            'arrayStore' => $arr_max_time,