Backend login locked

How do I get the backend password reset? My developer has left and I cannot login with the password he last used. I need to get it reset? Thanks Lee

OK Where is the backend Psssword Set? On the server configuration? By Shopware team? These seem the only two possibilities. So I thin it more logical to be the on the Server config under our control! So where in the Server / Shpoware congif is the beackend password stored and changed ? Maybe there is the shopware .conf file ? Can anyone help me? OB1 … your my only hope :wink:

If you are loged in in your database search for the table s_core_auth There you can change the password. Shopware is using bcrpyt for the password hashing - Here you have a bcrypt generator to generate your new password: Just replace the value in your bcrypt column with your new bcrypt password.

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Thank you kayyy for the assistance. I followed your instruction and created a bcrypt hash using the website you provided. Then updated the password field in s_core_auth table. The encoder is shown as bcrypt in the encoder’ field. Still the new password is not working. Dispays following message. Your login was not successful.The account is frozen until 07/11/2015 by 16:36:36 Is there any other way to reset the password. Thanks

Change the value of the „lockeduntil“ column to „0000-00-00 00:00:00“. Also make sure to set the active column to 1

Same issue.  With Bitnami deployed Shopware running in google cloud.  No idea how to connect to PHPmyadmin (all my previous deployments ran on private servers, first time bitnami/google cloud) any idea?

This is the only possibility: