I got some errors when I am submitting my plugin for code review
Basic plugin analysis failed. the composer.json file is invalid, Context: [reason: [require] The property require is required
I have checked the code with PHPstan And Sonarqube but these errors are not showing.
Which tools are used by shopware to detect the errors in composer.json?
I have the similar problem, that called
**Basic plugin analysis failed.** the required composer.json file was not found, Context: [reason: The essential composer.json file for the plugin was not in the expected folder.
but my composer.json is in root. And it works in shopware.
How looks your composer Syntax?
@gwen schrieb: Please check https://docs.shopware.com/en/plugin-standard-for-community-store#the-required-composer-json-file-was-not-found
@gwen schrieb:
Please check
I have fixed this issue by adding
“require”: { “shopware/core”: “^6.0”, “shopware/storefront”: “^6.0”, “shopware/administration”: “^6.0” }, in composer.json file
you can also use https://github.com/FriendsOfShopware/FroshPluginUploader/ to check that