Very full cart table

Hey all,

In one of our customers environment are somehow entries in the cart table generated.
The table recently got really full with around 300.000 entries in the last 40 days. Most of them without a customer_id, so we think they got generated by Bots ?!

We extended the existing CleanupCartTaskHandler to delete all entries without a customer after 2 days.
Still there are around 10k of new cart entries each day.

Does someone has experiences with this?

Do they use a plugin to share carts? These links are followed by bots, and could be an explanation.

Without that, to add articles to the cart the bots must support JavaScript, which is not that common.

mhh, they have a plugin installed which is sending reminder Mails for abandoned carts. Within the Mail there is just a Link to restore an already existing cart.

But the links are not published anywhere and are just restoring already existing carts, so this shouldn’t be a problem.

What did you think about when you say „share carts“, like between users ? But these links shouldn’t be publically available either, shouldn’t they?

There are plugins that add a link to the storefront which says „share the basket with friends“. Some crawlers execute JavaScript, add products into the basket and then crawl that link. Thus a lot of carts from crawlers exist.

@Max_Shop Thanks for your response.

Hmm i am still thinking about this possibility.
But if that could happen, the crawlers or bots should also be able to add products to the cart directly (with JS) shouldn’t they ?

Kind regards and thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

Crawlers only follow clickable actions. They do not execute any JS function they find.

Also, adding a product to the cart in the frontend adds a new entry in the database at that very moment.