Versioned order extension doesn't set order_version_id and doesn't read data in frontend controller


We are developing an internal plugin that adds new fields as a extension to orders.

The extension definition’s defineFields is:

    protected function defineFields(): FieldCollection
        return new FieldCollection([
            (new IdField('id', 'id'))->addFlags(new Required(), new PrimaryKey()),
            new VersionField(),
            new ReferenceVersionField(OrderDefinition::class, 'order_version_id'),
            new FkField('order_id', 'orderId', OrderDefinition::class),
            (new JsonField('external_status', 'extensionStatus')),
            (new OneToOneAssociationField('order', 'order_id', 'id', OrderDefinition::class, false))->addFlags(new ReverseInherited('productExtension'))->addFlags(new ApiAware()),

When saving data with:

                "externalStatus"=>["id"=>$id, "warehouses"=>$warehouseResponses],
        ], $this->context);

The order_version_id field doesn’t get set, and then when trying to read the data, $order->hasExtension("externalOrder") returns false.

Is there anything missing in the FieldCollection above?

Thank you.