Twig Extension returns Twig/Markup not Object


I wrote a little Twig Extension, which I pass a product ID and the context as a parameter and it will return me a SalesChannelProductEntity to use it later in the Template, which is done in another class called GetProductsByID and the method getProduct.

public function getFunctions()
        return [
            new TwigFunction('getProductByID', [$this, 'TwigGetProductByID']),

    public function TwigGetProductByID($productID, SalesChannelContext $salesChannelContext):SalesChannelProductEntity
        if ($this->salesChannelProductRepository instanceof SalesChannelRepositoryInterface)
            if ($salesChannelContext instanceof SalesChannelContext)
                $productByID = new GetProductsByID($this->salesChannelProductRepository, $salesChannelContext); //Instance of my Class to get the rroduct
                $product = $productByID->getProduct($productID); // Call the function to return the product
                print_r($product); //this prints the whole SalesChannelProductEntity object fine
                return $product;

The call in the template with the product ID and the actual SalesChannelContext as parameter:

{% set product1 %}
{{ getProductByID('2a88d9b59d474c7e869d8071649be43c', context) }}
{% endset %}
{{ dump(product1) }}

The print_r() before the return outputs me the whole filled SalesChannelProductEntity object.
But when I set my variable product1 in my template and dump it, it will display just the product name and the charset in a Twig/Markup.

Twig\Markup {#41665 ▼
  -content: "Main product"
  -charset: "UTF-8"

Any idea what I’m doing wrong? This is my first plugin attempt and I’m racking my brain for days.

Best regards

This dumps me the full object. So the problem is just the way I assign the object to a variable.

{{ dump( getProductByID('2a88d9b59d474c7e869d8071649be43c', context) ) }}

How do I assign the return of my Twig Extension to a variable in the correct way?

Best regards

Bitte in die englische Rubrik verschieben, ich war mir ganz sicher, das in der englischen Forumssparte angelegt zu haben, Sorry!!