Missing Support for Product Comparison in Social Shopping Feed Generation

The createDataFeedForSalesChannelId method in the Future of Social Shipping feature explicitly supports only Facebook/Instagram and Google Shopping. The relevant code is as follows:

public function createDataFeedForSalesChannelId(string $socialShoppingSalesChannelId, Context $context): void
    $criteria = new Criteria([$socialShoppingSalesChannelId]);

    $socialShoppingSalesChannel = $this->socialShoppingSalesChannelRepository->search($criteria, $context)->first();

    if ($socialShoppingSalesChannel === null) {
        throw new SocialShoppingSalesChannelNotFoundException($socialShoppingSalesChannelId);

    $network = $socialShoppingSalesChannel->getNetwork();

    switch ($network) {
        case Facebook::class:
        case Instagram::class:
            $this->upsertFacebookDataFeed([], $context, $socialShoppingSalesChannel);

        case GoogleShopping::class:
            $this->upsertGoogleShoppingDataFeed([], $context, $socialShoppingSalesChannel);

The switch statement does not include cases for Product comparison. This results in the scheduled task generating feeds only for Facebook/Instagram or Google Shopping, leaving other platforms unsupported.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up a sales channel for a network other than Facebook/Instagram or Google Shopping.
  2. Run the scheduled task to generate feeds.
  3. Observe that no feed is generated for the unsupported network.

Expected Behavior: Feeds should be generated for all configured networks, provided the necessary implementation exists for those networks.

Actual Behavior: Feeds are generated only for Facebook/Instagram and Google Shopping.

Suggested Fix: Add cases for Product comparison in the switch statement, similar to how Facebook and Google Shopping are handled. Alternatively, throw a clear exception for unsupported networks to inform users that the functionality is currently limited.