How to remove associated records from database after click Save in administration?

Hi, friends!
I extended the product_manufacturer entity with custom OneToMany association. Now, when I open Manufacturer page in administration - I see all associated records. If I change something in these records and click Save - all data saves perfect (I do it via extensions property). Also I have a button Add New Record on Manufacturer page, if I click it - new fields are added to the page and after click Save - these data stores to database as new records in associated table as well.
Also I have a button Delete Record for each associated record, when I click it - it removes associated record from extensions-property and it removes from page. Then I wish to remove deleted associated records from database after I click Save button, but how I can do it? Yes, I can remove record form database immediatelly after click Delete Record, but it would be great remove it after Manufacturer saving. Thanks for helping!

Ok, I found solution, don’t worry)
I just rewrote parent method loadEntityData() for that and it is enough for me.

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