Hello. I am using sw-datepicker and i want to disable dates based on function. I want to add vue’s v-on functions to it but the datepicker isnt running them. How to add those?
We had the same problem. Solution: data-enabledDates="{PScake_enabledays}"
This calls the function „PScake_enabledays“ where (im)possible dates are calculated:
for ($i=0; $i<($wochen*7); $i++) {
// Sonntag, Montag und Samstag blocken
if (date("w",$stmp)==0 OR date("w",$stmp)==1 OR date("w",$stmp)==6 ) {
// Jetzt alle Daten zurückgeben:
return $blocked_string;
Mixed up enabled and blocked - sorry.
for ($i=0; $i<($wochen*7); $i++) {
// Nur Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Freitag zulassen:
if (date("w",$stmp)>1 AND date("w",$stmp)<6 ) {
if (!in_array($stmp,$feiertag)) {
// Jetzt alle Daten zurückgeben:
return $enabled_string;
Have you called this function inside the picker properties or inside the input tag? And what argument did you give to the PScake_enabledays function? I want to disable some days of week and some dates of every month, so I need to give an entire calendar as an input. How do I do that?
We call that function in the template frontend/detail/buy.tpl like so:
<input type="text"
placeholder="{s name="datePickerInputPlaceholder" namespace="frontend/index/datepicker"}Datum wählen...{/s}"
So the „minDate“ (starting Date) is calculated by the function PScake_deliverydate and the possible days are enabled by the function PScake_enabledays (we look only 6 weeks into the future here).
The possible dates are delivered as a string, commaseparated.
You may have a look at the working example here: Spiderman Kuchen online bestellen | junior-partyshop.ch
Sorry - but about those „vue-functions“ I’m afraid I can’t help.
right. So in order to disable dates, I would have to set data-disabledDates to some function inside the tag?