I have downloaded a font (PublicSans) and added the font files to „myCustomTheme“ assets folder.
Have run bin/console assets:install (the files are copied correctly to the public/bundles folder.
Linking to the fonts in the base.scss like what the guides says:
@font-face {
font-family: "PublicSans-Bold";
font style: normal;
font weight: 700;
font display: swap;
src: url("/bundles/font/PublicSans-Bold.woff2") format("woff2");
But when checking the page using the browser inspector gives a 404 error for the font. So, looking at the default file „_inter-fontface.scss“ the src link is like:
src: url('#{$app-css-relative-asset-path}/PublicSans-Bold.woff2') format('woff2');
Doing that, and the font is working. So, what is the correct way to link in the stylesheet?