Testing in composer shopware project. How to include shopware unit tests with my tests?

Hi guys!

I have question about unit tests. How to execute shopware tests in shopware “composer” generated project with my custom plugin tests using one autoload.php file.

I noticed when I created shopware project by composer that we don’t have tests folder inside, it is in vendor folder in shopware -> shopware -> tests folder. I want to have those tests executed with my plugin example tests in the same execution “context”. I managed to do some very interesting stuff like creating another bootstrap.php unit tests file for shopware tests, but i managed to execute them seperate. When I tried to execute them together i have problem with autoload.php and missing classes. How do you handle such a things in composer project ? 

Here is some folder structure i created for the tests:

The code :
Tests-> Bootstrap.php


        $container = $kernel->getContainer();
        $container->get('plugins')->Core()->ErrorHandler()->registerErrorHandler(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

        /** @var \Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository $repository */
        $repository = $container->get('models')->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop');

        $shop = $repository->getActiveDefault();
        //Register for containers

        $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $shop->getHost();

    private static function registerResources() {

        /*we can register some resources here for example

        Shopware()->Container()->set('swag_test_example.test_service', new \SwagTestExample\Service\TestExampleService(






ShopwareDefaultTestsBootstrap.php  - becuase i use another autload.php i don’t have acces to basic configuration from env file (all code is in vendor etc )  so i have to improvise some config reading code. All tests seems to work but those are executed seperately. 


        $container = $kernel->getContainer();
        $container->get('plugins')->Core()->ErrorHandler()->registerErrorHandler(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

        /** @var \Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository $repository */
        $repository = $container->get('models')->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop');

        $shop = $repository->getActiveDefault();

        $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $shop->getHost();

    protected function getConfigPath()
        return __DIR__. '/../vendor/shopware/shopware/tests/Functional/config.php';

    protected function initializeConfig() {

        //Setup database connection configuration for phpunit tests.
        $this->config['db'] = [
            'username' => $this->getEnvFromFile('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password' => $this->getEnvFromFile('DB_PASSWORD'),
            'dbname' => $this->getEnvFromFile('DB_DATABASE'),
            'host' => $this->getEnvFromFile('DB_HOST'),
            'port' => $this->getEnvFromFile('DB_PORT'),
            'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
            'adapter' => 'pdo_mysql',

    private function readEnvFile() {
        $fileContent = file_get_contents( __DIR__.'/../.env');
        return $fileContent;

    private function getEnvFromFile($env) {
        $content = $this->readEnvFile();
        $lines = explode(PHP_EOL , $content);

        $linesCount = count($lines);

        for($i = 0 ; $i getEnvFromLine($line,$env);
                return $envValue;

        return '';

    private function getEnvFromLine($line,$env) {
        $lines = explode('=',$line);
        $linesCount = count($lines);
        $isEnoughLines = $linesCount === 2;
        if($isEnoughLines) {
            return str_replace('"','',$lines[1]); //value
        } else {
            throw new Exception('The value for '.$env.' is not defined');




And xml file for configuration shopware tests. shopware-phpunit.xml.dist



It would be nice to have those tests in one configuration file and with one context of testing. I think i am missing something important in my code could you guys please give me a hint or just write what I am doing wrong. Thanks a lot for any input from you! :) 

Hi guys I managed to run my tests with Shopware Tests. How to do it ? 

First I was wondering why shopware classses are not included in my autoload. I dig deeper and went to composer.json. 

Aand I just used psr-4 in autload section, to generete my autoload files, by composer dump-autload command

autoload": {
        "classmap": [
        "psr-4": {
            "Shopware\\Tests\\": "vendor/shopware/shopware/tests"

So now i can just include my shopware tests to test my code and functionalities and execute them together. Here is example of phpunit.xml




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