Where can I find the old product price in TPL if the customer group discount is turned on?

Greetings everyone. 

I have turned on the discount for a certain customer group, and made sure that the new price is shown. Not, what I want to do is to show both the old price and the new one, so the customer can see the original price, and realize the benefits of being a member of a customer group. 

Thank you very much

If the customer group got it’s own price in the article backend you should be able to give it a pseudo price as well.

As soon as the pseudo price field is filled it will display on the details page of the article as a small price with line through it next to the customer groups actual price.


Alternatively you can access the article prices via $sArticle object in smarty (inside the tpl).

Be aware: changes done to the article or its prices can require a cache clear before they show up on the frontend.

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