Check session variable before delivering cached page


It’s possible only in development mode.

That is not great as the page will be in production mode :confused:

User should do registration via shopware, but after registration you shouldn’t do authorization for this user. After customer register - you redirect him to your custom login page, where he sign in with 3rd service credentials, if customer in 3rd service exist - you should authorize this user via shopware.

 User does not do any kind of registration. The user data is imported to a custom table and is part of shopwares database. So we are using table custom_users and checking if there is an entry that matches the 3 columns that were submitted with the „login“ request.


Everything is already working, I just need to move those 3 lines of code somewhere they will always be executed before page is loaded from cache. I’ll start digging in the shopware code today to find such a place and hope it exists.


Thank you for your time and energy spent trying to help me with this @odessite