Set customize items per page in slider.

I ran into the same problem, data-itemsPerPage has no impact on the slider, the itemsPerPage only get calculated internaly by jquery.product-slider.js::L503

setSizes: function (orientation) {
            var me = this,
                o = orientation || me.opts.orientation,
                containerSize = (o === 'vertical') ? me.$el.innerHeight() : me.$el.innerWidth(),
                itemSize = (o === 'vertical') ? me.opts.itemMinHeight : me.opts.itemMinWidth;

            me.itemsPerPage = Math.floor(containerSize / itemSize);

The way I fixed it, maybe isn’t best practice, but you can modify the data-itemMinWidth parameter to show more/less items. In my case I changed it to 140px to get the 8 items I wanted to have. But with smaller devices it shows less images of course.

If there is another way to set a fix itemsPerPage value, I would be glad to hear about it. 

ps. I worked with Shopware Version 5.2.21