5.2 Plugin: hook AddressRepository

Good morning everyone, in my plugin (version 5.2) i want to hook the getOneByUser method in AddressRepository.php.

I tried to use this code but the method AfterGetOneByUser() is never called:

  * File: custom/plugins/SwagMyAddreses/Subscriber/FrontendSubscriber.php
  * called in the service.xml

namespace SwagMyAddresses\Subscriber;

use Enlight_Hook_HookArgs;
use Shopware\Models\Customer\Address;
use Enlight\Event\SubscriberInterface;

class FrontendSubscriber implements SubscriberInterface
    * Return an array with the requested class names and the according callback functions
    * @return array
   public static function getSubscribedEvents()
      return array(
         'Shopware\Models\Customer\AddressRepository::getOneByUser::after' => 'AfterGetOneByUser',

   public function AfterGetOneByUser(\Enlight_Hook_HookArgs $arguments) {
     //original builder
     $builder = $arguments->getReturn();
         //my $builder modifications ...


How should I modify my code to hook the getOneByUser, or just replace it entirely?

Thank you in advance.